Rosas negras en Kosovo[Black Roses in Kosovo]

War has broken out in Kosovo. NATO bombs the Serbs and the Albano-kosovarian population has to flee to neighbouring countries under menace of death. Thousands of refugees cross their lives on the Death Trails. Refugees like Vuk Bukoshi, a former soldier in the Bosnia war, and Biljama Muthari, daughter to local farmers, will have to face the exodus with the only weapons of disappointment and hope.

The author
Jesús Cortés was born in Torrent (Valencia) in 1962 and has become a professional writer for a few years now. He has won the II Bancaixa Prize for Teen Narrative with his novel No em pots dir adéu. Before this prize he was finalist at Vila de l’Eliana Prize for Teen Narrative with ¡Plom, més que plom! Some of his other works are El somni de Fran and Àlex [and] Cia. Detectius; these are outstanding for their dynamism and didactic values. He has also translated authors like Victor Hugo and Voltaire into Catalan.

Autoria: Jesús Cortés
Núm. col·lecció: 3
Edat: a partir de 13 anys
Pàgines: 160

Jesús Cortés

Jesús Cortés (Torrent, 1962) ha escrit, sobretot, literatura infantil i juvenil, i ha fet adaptacions de clàssics de la literatura universal que acosten el públic més jove obres com L'Odissea o Oliver Twist. La seua extensa trajectòria ha estat distingida amb guardons com el Premi Fundació Bancaixa de Narrativa Juvenil (No em pots dir adéu) o el Premi de Narrativa Infantil Vicent Silvestre(L'ull de la mòmia). Entre les seues obres, destaquen Jo soc Milton, Magus (el mag), Roses negres a Kosovo, Plom, més que plom! (Finalista al Premi de Narrativa Juvenil Vila de l'Eliana) i la saga Els 4 Sherlocks.