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Andantino 5 (Anglés)

Workbooks structured in educational units. Training in musical reading and writing and in rhythm aspects, like intonation and vocal and hearing education. It contains popular and worldwide known songs, rhythmic and melodic reading activities and creative activities. Its CD contains accompaniments of songs and rhythmic exercises.

This book includes a voucher which grants access for free and for one year to Andantino 5 digital app. Discover a new way to teach music with digital tools.

You can also purchase separately the app in Andantino 5 Music Workbook (App Digital)

Productes associats

Núm. col·lecció: 4
Pàgines: 64
ISBN: 9788498455359
Format: 22 x 29 cm
Enquadernació: Grapa
Coberta: Carles Barrios

Enviament gratuït a tota la península.
Temps estimat de lliurament: dos dies laborables.

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