Pellroja, rostre pàl·lid[Red Skin, Pale Face]

In mid-19th C many European families migrated to the USA. There they had to fight not only against the forces of nature but also against a stronger and more persevering enemy: the redskins. This is the story of an Irish young man who was brought up to fear and despise the Native Americans. He has to walk a a painful way till he understands and appreciates the lords of the prairie. With Michael, the reader will not only become a member of the Sioux world, but he will also live a passionate friendship and love story.

The author
Maria Jesús Bolta (Meliana, 1958) has been distinguished with some of the most important children and teen literature awards. No wonder since she is one of the most valued and successful Valencian women writers. She has published with Bromera children’s books like Qui t’ha dit que el món era blanc? (Vicent Silvestre Children Literature Prize) and Mira quina estrella. She has just been awarded the Josep Maria Folch i Torres Children Literature Prize.

Autoria: Maria Jesús Bolta
Núm. col·lecció: 1
Edat: a partir de 7 anys
Pàgines: 160

Maria Jesús Bolta

Maria Jesús Bolta (Meliana, 1958) és escriptora i traductora. Llicenciada en Filologia Romànica, ha treballat de professora de llengua i literatura en un institut de secundària. Escriu obres per a infants i joves. Les mans d’Amiel (Premi Samaruc), Pellroja, rostre pàl·lid (Premi Vila de l’Eliana), Vull jugar (Premi Vaixell de Vapor i Premi Samaruc), Qui t’ha dic que el món era blanc? (Premi de Narrativa Infantil Vicent Silvestre), Animals! (Premi Josep Maria Folch i Torres) i El cel és blau (Premi de Narrativa Infantil Carmesina de la Safor) en són algunes.